
Sexual Harassment Prevention in the Age of #MeToo

Recorded Webinar | U. Harold Levy | All Days


Sexual harassment prevention has taken on renewed urgency in the wake of the #MeToo movement. In this age of heightened awareness, organizations increasingly implement comprehensive policies and training programs to foster respectful and equitable workplaces. These initiatives often include clear definitions of sexual harassment, channels for reporting incidents, and mechanisms for swift and fair resolution. Moreover, leaders are encouraged to set the tone from the top by promoting a culture of dignity and respect. 

This webinar is designed to educate attendees about appropriate behavior and empower bystanders to intervene when they witness misconduct. By prioritizing prevention and accountability, organizations aim to create environments where all individuals feel safe, valued, and able to thrive professionally.

Webinar Highlights:

  • The webinar will provide an opportunity for attendees to learn about sexual harassment and discuss how it affects the work environment.
  • Help attendees understand the company’s expectations concerning sexual harassment and the consequences of breaking the rules.
  • Offering exercises that empower employees to work together to create a positive and productive work environment free from gender-related conflicts.
  • The speaker will discuss definitions and descriptions of sexual harassment.
  • Understanding Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • Learning state laws, court decisions, and company policy.
  • Exploring factors that contribute to sexual harassment and sex discrimination in the workplace.
  • Attendees will learn to prevent and stop sexual harassment and develop strategies to respond to it if it occurs.
  • Learning to examine the negative impact of sexually explicit information or pictures of victims, co-workers, and employers.
  • Understanding how to determine if an employee, a client, or a customer has been sexually harassed.
  • Learning how to conduct a company-wide environmental assessment.
  • The webinar will provide practical orientation on how to set the employee up for success.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of job training.

Why Should You Attend:

Attending sexual harassment prevention sessions is crucial for both individual employees and organizations. Firstly, for employees, these sessions provide essential knowledge about what constitutes sexual harassment, how to recognize it, and what steps to take if they experience or witness it. Such education empowers individuals to assert their rights, protect themselves, and contribute to a workplace culture of respect and safety.

 Additionally, attending these sessions demonstrates a commitment to creating an inclusive and equitable environment, fostering trust among colleagues, and reducing the likelihood of incidents occurring. For organizations, investing in comprehensive sexual harassment prevention training fulfills legal obligations and mitigates the risk of costly lawsuits, reputational damage, and loss of talent. Ultimately, by proactively engaging in these sessions, employees and organizations can work together to build healthier, more productive, and more resilient workplaces for everyone.

Who Should Attend:

  • Directors
  • Consultants
  • Supervisors
  • Managers
  • Business owners
  • HR generalists 
  • Vice Presidents
  • General managers
  • CEOs, COOs, CFOs
  • HR training manager
  • Investigative officers
  • Human Resources professionals

Training Price

Recording     $249
Digital Download     $299
Transcript (PDF)     $249

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